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EZ Mesh Laundry Bags & Sports Equipment Bags

Prod#Product DescriptionMinimum
LB1200F5812 x 15 White36 bags
LB1507F5815 x 20 White36 bags
LB1509F5115 x 20 Heavy36 bags
LB1804F5818 x 24 White36 bags
LB1806F5118 x 24 Heavy36 bags
LB1808F5818 x 30 White36 bags
LB1831F5118 x 30 Heavy36 bags
LB2200F5822 x 34 White36 bags
LB2206F5122 x 34 Heavy36 bags
LB2402F5824 x 30 White36 bags
LB2403F5124 x 30 Heavy36 bags
LB2409F5824 x 36 White36 bags
LB2450F5124 x 36 Heavy36 bags
LB3602F5836 x 40 White36 bags
LB3603F5136 x 40 Heavy36 bags


Whether it’s a laundry service or just a way to keep clothes or equipment together, our EZ Mesh Laundry Bags are the way to go! Use the name tag for customization and keep your clothes or equipment safe! With 21 colors and different closures available, we’ve got what you’re looking for! Custom printing available.

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